Sunday, January 10, 2010

I did it!!!

I worked my first 16 hour shift and I rocked it! (right Darla?????!)
It was busy and that really helped that there was not much down time but it went well and it sure was nice to get back where I belong. Sure I am tired today but its a great tired and there is nothing on my list today but movie watchin and reading and rockbanding so I am all set!

By the way---I have been doing geneology research on my dad's side of the family and it is great fun, it kept me busy when I couldn't do much this summer when I was feeling bad. My dad gave me a huge box of my grandparents things, papers, pictures etc.
I have had a great time with all of it I loved and miss my grandparents very much so it ment a lot to have all of the things I was given.

After getting through all of the things in the box twice I decided to put together a book of pictures and stories about my grandparents. I want my kids and others to come to know who they were and where they came from.
So I went to my dads last week to go through some more pictures and while going through all of it I found a picture from approximatly 1992 of my gang and I.
I loved seeing this picture again it was wonderful and brought back lots of great memories. So I thought it would be great to scan it and email it to my pals.

Email-not facebook, private email ! Lets face it its a funny picture.

So the next day I go to work and I call the ER to see if a patient is ready to come for Xrays and my buddy answering the phone in the ER says - "by the way I love the picture."

What picture I say a little lerie, Since facebooks popularity you just don't know what will be published! She says you better get on facebook -giggling.

Sure enough the blast from the past was right there staring me in the face! Thanks Tammy!!!!
So I got over it no biggie we all had the great big hair in the 90's right.
Until I show up for work on Saturday and I am the wallpaper on the hospital computer.
Now someone must pay!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


There just is nothing better than a snow day I don't care how old you are. THat great feeling that you don't have to go anywhere and you couldn't even if you wanted to!!!
You have to play board games, lay around in your jammies, eat soup and chill out!
Of course someone has to shovel snow but since I am the girl I am exempt from all that business I just play. If I am so inclined I may go out and throw snowballs at the males in the neighborhood that are doing the snow shoveling but other than that I will stay toasty warm and play!!!!
Happy Snow day to me!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010!!!!!!!

I am starting this blogging thing because I have just conquered breast cancer again and throughout the whole ordeal I blogged. I had a caring bridge webpage and I really enjoyed it. It was therapy for me. A way to vent my feelings and also let everyone know what I was up to, how I was feeling and send thoughts and prayers. So I thought I would just keep it going here and if anyone was interest fine, if not well free therapy for me!!! Win Win.
So I am back to work although not full time yet I am still building up strength. It does feel wonderful to be back, to see all my friends again and just to be out of the house and part of the world again. It felt like time was standing still for me this past 6 months and although 6 months is not that long of a time period in someones life, it felt like forever.

So goodbye 2009- goodbye ugly divorce, goodbye cancer, goodbye drama!

I have some big hopes for 2010
I want to enjoy every minute of it.
I want to just be happy
be healthy
be loved

and give back!

So I am going to try to enjoy everything and avoid the BS!
Someone please remind me when I am whining and complaining about some stupid little thing that life is too short! I need to get over it and live !!!